Rapoport Academy was founded on the desire to promote equity through the education of all students, especially hi
In order to be true to our mission, we stand committed to working with our students, staff, and families to eliminate inequity and promote cultural awareness within our school community through evaluation, education, training, and leadership development in addition to actively supporting local organizations working to promote racial equity.
Dr. Neumann and the Board of Directors of Rapoport Academy
Excerpt taken from Statement of Equity From Rapoport Academy published 6/17/20.
Rapoport Academy invites you to join us on our journey as we look inward as individuals, professionals and an institution. We strive to remain transparent in our efforts to refine our processes and uphold our commitment to equity. We encourage you to visit this page frequently for information on our action steps and outcomes. Here you will find updates, resources and our anonymous reporting tool which can be utilized to provide feedback on our progress. Additionally, we encourage you to reach out to any staff member listed below with any feedback, questions or concerns you may have.
Let’s work together as a school community to connect with each other, celebrate the value diversity brings, and cultivate the racially aware and active leaders our world so desperately needs.